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nthu Linear Bandits with Rotting Rewards


Advisor: Prof. Arpan Chattopadhyay
Formulated the problem of rotting multi-armed bandits in linear reward setting. Developed an index algorithm exploiting the problem structure and demonstrated better performance empirically.

nthu Explorations in Machine Learning (Independent Study)


Extensively studied Tensor Factorization and its use in data compression and applied it in Minimal Complexity Machine to generate a faster and more interpretable pipeline. Also developed a Separability based Classification Loss function for Neural Networks and demonstrated results on MNIST for classification task with better separation.


nthu LightGBM based Botnet Detection Tool (3rd Prize among 1200+ Participants in IIT Kanpur Hackathon)


Developed a Botnet Detection Tool on network packet capture data using Gradient Boosted Decision Tree based LightGBM implementing feature extraction, feature design and compared it with AdaBoost and Random Forest.